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In 2018 I met Julia Cameron, the author of The Artist’s Way, at a Hay House event in England.

At the time I was out of practice at writing my morning pages but I had written morning pages on and off for a decade.

She answered all our questions about writing everyday and I quickly fell back into the groove of written and I fell in love with the power of daily morning pages.

Here are my 3 top tips for writing morning pages: (Or watch my YT video!)

– use a new notebook and treat it like a dairy, don’t let anyone else read it

– in your notebook, write your dreams and goals at the start of the book, then turn to the back of the book to start your morning pages. Each day write another three pages (from the back of the book) towards your dreams.

– keep a spare piece of paper handy for any lists – shopping list or to-do lists – so you can take the list with you and leave your morning pages safely at home. My morning pages can include the ugliest version of my personality so I don’t want to take the notebook with me to the supermarket!

The morning pages are a powerful tool I use to unlock my creativity, deal with my negativity and cultivate my positivity.

I’d really love to hear what tools you use to ‘win’ the mornings and start the day on a positive vibe 💜